Sunday 6 March 2011

It's a MAD MAD MAD MAD World

Has the world gone mad, or am I just a cynical old git?

Today I read about the adopt a labourer campaign in Dubai, according to the people behind the scheme “simply by speaking on the phone to a labourer, for five minutes just once or twice a week, you could change their life”

Excuse me, but by paying them a decent wage you can definitely change their lives for the better. It’s not rocket science and you don’t have to be Einstein to figure this out.

Can you imagine the phone conversation?

Me in an air conditioned coffee shop, sipping a latte and tucking into some snacks…the poor worker has just returned to the labour camp after enduring 12 hours of manual work in the hot sunshine and eating a substandard meal of rice and lentils.

It’s crazy, just give them a fair wage, and not some soppy initiatives.

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